Social connection, and it’s positive physiological influence on our bodies and our health is well researched. However perhaps it is a lesser known or practiced health intervention.
Biologically, the release of hormone Oxytocin may be enhanced by human connection and support. Why is Oxytocin important? It is nature’s way of dealing with stress; that presents in all of us, throughout our lives. Oxytocin is a natural anti-inflammatory and, with receptors in your heart for this hormone, human connection may be said to biologically benefit your heart. Something you knew all along!
Endorphins, such as feel-good neurotransmitter Dopamine, are also released in response to touch and human connection. Endorphins act as nature’s pain killers and enhance your sense of happiness.
There are many strands to social connection that I may explore with you as part of your lifestyle recommendations. These may include looking at steps to help you to connect, and spend more time, with family, close friends and/or your wider community as well as connection to self, nature, art… there are many avenues to meaningful and empathic social connection.