Your fork and promoting nutritious and delicious food at the end of it, is what FeelWell Nutrition is all about!  Optimising nutrition and understanding it’s effect on the body, could be considered the starting block to feeling well and recovering your health to what it should be.  I understand first-hand the importance of good nutrition, in striving towards my own health goals, and I am committed to using this learning and understanding to help you implement targeted nutritional changes to help alleviate your own health conditions and symptoms.

Through years of study and clinical practice with the Institute of Health Sciences, working with clients and with on-going education and training in the field of Functional Medicine, the mechanisms of the body, and it’s intrinsic need for specific nutrients to perform it’s countless tasks, continues to amaze me.  From the production of ATP/energy, stomach acid, hormones, a healthy microbiome to detoxification and immune function, the list of functions, and the macro and micro nutrients the body and body systems need to carry out those functions, is indeed a complex web.  

While improvements in lifestyle i.e. rest, movement, mindfulness and connection may all contribute to good digestion, hormone synthesis etc… and effect the bioavailability of essential nutrients, and may indeed be at root cause of imbalances, good nutrition may be considered the backbone to achieving health i.e. what is at the end of your fork and how is it serving you!