Welcome To FeelWell Nutrition!
FeelWell Nutrition aims to empower and equip you with the love of nutritious food and a healthy lifestyle. With expert, up-to-date knowledge, professionalism, support and understanding my aim is to place you at the centre of your own health story. We will work together to coax the love of great food and a happy lifestyle out of you! Take a look at the Wheel of Health; a new, fun and all-encompassing approach to health.
Based in Galway City, on the Atlantic Coast, where yes! life sometimes moves at an easier pace, we will facilitate weekend or evening appointments, to suit your schedule. Dedication is assured, in getting to the root cause of on-going health concerns, such as gut and digestive issues and women’s health issues, including hormone imbalances. Your health concerns may include fatigue, stress, weight gain or, simply, not feeling as well as you should feel each day.
Diet, lifestyle, supplementation and/or testing may be explored to help address your concerns in a safe and confidential environment. Health coaching skills and our co-creation of daily action steps are designed to help you to reach your health goals and, most importantly, to empower you with knowledge and habits that may benefit your health for a lifetime!
Test Don’t Guess!!
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receive a call back & we will discuss useful laboratory testing options!
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Rediscover The Power of Plant Foods

Test Don’t Guess
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Initial Consultation
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