Seaweed Bathing Au Naturel or Bathtub?
FeelWell Nutrition Seaweed
Whether taking a dip in open waters or enjoying a soak from the comfort of your own home, seaweed is a great addition for health and happiness. A 2016 Review described seaweed and it’s many uses as ‘… such a great living resource which is present in and around us.’ FeelWell could not agree more!
But why is seaweed so good for our skin and overall health?
Humans have been soaking in seaweed baths for centuries, as a treatment for arthritic, joint and muscular pain. Seaweed is thought to help with Sympathetic Nervous System dominance, ‘fight or flight’ mode that may drive anxiety and chronic/ long term stress. Seaweed is also known to help with skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis as well as helping with detoxification in the liver.
Long chain ‘gel like’ polysaccharides found in algae are considered to have moisturising effect on skin that may help with skin conditions. Soaking for at least 20 minutes may also help with the skin’s absorption of seaweed nutrients such as zinc, iodine, copper, selenium and antioxidants. Our skin acts like a sponge and, though research on exact mechanism of action is scant, it may prove worthwhile for relaxation and to witness seaweed’s effects for yourself. Research sometimes takes a while to catch up with what we feel to be innately beneficial for us!
If you do not have a bathtub and do not wish to brave the sea, you can soak your seaweed in water, wrap it in a cloth and apply it to aching joints or muscles. There is also the foot bath option!
Galway Seaweed is a lovely brand @galwayseaweed, pictured. Wherever you get yours, au naturel or added to your bath, your body won’t mind so it’s a win win whatever you choose!